Sunday, October 2, 2011

Installing Sybase 12.5 ASE on CentOS 5.2 and 5.5


  1. Install a minimal version of CentOS 6 You will require 3 partitions 
  2. To aid set up ensure that SELinux is disabled and iptables is off 
  3. Set up kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf;
             kernel.shmmax=67108864 # Only if tis number is bigger than the default
  4. Update kernel parameters;
             sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
  5. Ensure that you have 3 partitions, or seperate disks
  6. export LD_POINTER_GUARD=0
  7. Install the following rpms;
            yum install compat-libstdc++-296
    For this you might want to install the rpmfusion repository
            Do this by downloading the rpm and the epel rpm
            Install using rpm -i rpmfusion epel
  1. Extract your Sybase tgz file
  2. Run the setup command
            ./setup -is:javaconsole -console
                         Use the -options-record
                         Where filename will record your options, note that this option can only be used in GUI mode.

Follow the on screen instructions, which includes agreeing to the T&Cs, deciding where you want to install Sybase, create the directory, typical/full or custom.
If installing client only then use custom and select the following;
        Select everything except Sybase Server

Creating the first database
1. Now we need to create your first database
        cd /opt/sybase
        You will find example resource files in ASE-/init/sample_resource_files
        Select the one appropriate to your install
        (This example will be for the

2. The resource file
        Copy the to /opt/sybase/
        Edit the file as follows;

                sybinit.release_directory: /opt/sybase   (or where you installed it)
                sqlsrv.server_name: STEVE       (SYBASE logical name of the database. This will be the name in the interfaces file, server instance)
                sqlsrv.network_hostname_list: localhost (the real hostname of your server)
                sqlsrv.network_port_list: 4000  (The port number you wish to run this instance on)
                sqlsrv.master_device_physical: /dev/sdb1        (physical partition or filename for master database)
                sqlsrv.sybsystemprocs_device_physical_name: /dev/sdb2
                sqlsrv.sybsystemdb_device_physical_name: /dev/sdb3      (remember this applies to all databases created within this instance)

3. Update root's enviroment using the script
        . ./
4. srvbuildres -r
5. If the above command results in "Server 'STEVE' was successfully created'
        find . -name RUN*

        Should return /opt/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_STEVE
6. Test your connection
        isql -Usa -S STEVE
   You should be prompted for a password, just press ENTER
   You should eventually get the   1>   prompt
   Type quit and press enter

Creating the start up script so that SYBASE starts on reboot
1. vi /etc/init.d/sybase
2. Add the following to the file;
# chkconfig: 35 95 95
# description: Start sybase
case $1 in
                unset LANG
                export LD_POINTER_GUARD=0
                . /opt/sybase/
                startserver -f /opt/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_STEVE
                pkill dataserver

3. Save the script and then do;
        chmod +x /etc/init.d/sybase

4. Add the script to the start up and shutdown sequence
        chkconfig --add sybase

5. Test the script;
        - Shutdown the server

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