Is there some fowl play going on somewhere?
- 10th October 2011 - Blackberry suffer a network outage
- 14th October 2011 - iPhone 4s goes on Sale
- 18th September 2012 - Blackberry suffer a network outage
- 21st September 2012 - iPhone 5 goes on sale
Now if that's not a marketing ploy then I don't know what is. If I was Blackberry I'd be looking at who the cause of the outage is rather than what, and I'd find out when Apple plan to release the next iPhone and if it occurs again would draw up a law suit if I was them as this is too close for comfort.
Next time Apple release a new iPhone I will be watching the Blackberry network with anticipation and if another outage occurs (since the rest of the year the network is fine), then it can only be assumed that Apple are causing it to make Blackberry customers think that they should get an iPhone (even though the tech in the iPhone is at least a year old by the time Apple release them).