Thursday, June 10, 2010

Setting up SSH Agent and solving agent issues when prompting for rsa password

Setting up SSH-Agent
1. Generate your key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
2. Copy the public key to the authorized_keys file
cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
3. Copy the public key to the remote hosts
scp ~/.ssh/

If you are prompted for your id_rsa passkey do the following;
If using a windowing environment you may have set ssh-agent running in one window, therefore your SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable needs to be set in the other windows;
1. In the window that allows you to ssh without specifying a password of any kind type;
2. Using the value returned, in the other terminal windows type;

If you can't connect without a password on any terminals do the following;
1. Find the current ssh agent
ps -ef | grep ssh
2. kill the ssh-agent process
3. Start a new ssh-agent process and set the shell variables
eval `ssh-agent`
4. Check that your SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set
5. Now add your key to the agent
6. Enter your id_rsa password when prompted
7. Log on to your remote system without the password.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cool Fedora core tripwire setup page

Although the version that installs with FC12 you only need do the following steps;
$> tripwire-setup-keyfiles
Follow the instructions, which mainly require 2 passwords, 1 for site and 1 for local
Once this step is completed you simply run;
$> tripwire --init
And wait for it to complete

Updates can be done by first dumping the policy file;
$> twadmin --print-polfile >my.pol

And then editing this file accordingly. Once you have completed your edits you would then need to encrypt the file for the init process to be able to use it. This will generate the tw.pol file;
$> /usr/sbin/twadmin --create-polfile -S site.key /etc/tripwire/my.pol

You will be prompted for your site password

To load the policy into the tripwire database;
$> rm /var/lib/tripwire/hostname.localdomain.twd

Run the following to regenerate the database;
$> tripwire --init

Test if your email account will work;
$> tripwire --test --email username

View reports;
$> /usr/sbin/twprint -m r --twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report/.twr

Update database;
$> /usr/sbin/tripwire --update --twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report/.twr